1989 -1993, the beginning: Squad Leader Prem Masrangi, Paramedic Padam Rana,
SAR Dog trainer Schnable from the Netherlands, logistic officer Jit B.M.Magar and trekking guide Kale Tamang.
SAR Dog trainer Schnable from the Netherlands, logistic officer Jit B.M.Magar and trekking guide Kale Tamang.
The SAR Dog Squad in 1990
was called Himalaya Rescue Dog Squad Nepal (HRDSN) and worked under supervision of
His Majesties Government of Nepal, Special Disaster Unit at the Ministry of Home Affairs
Shyam Manendhar, Nagin Thada, Padam Rana, Niraj Thapa, Jeevan Rai, (late) Mohan Magar, Jit Bahadur Masrangi Magar, Til Bahadur Dura,
Bhusan Pant, Govinda Ale, Som Bahadur Gurung
Bhusan Pant, Govinda Ale, Som Bahadur Gurung
and in front, the first squad leader Prem Bahadur Masrangi Magar
From logistic officer to Executive Director of SAR DOGS NEPAL: Jit Bahadur Masrangi Magar, then and now!
Late Jungle Guide Kale Tamang and late SAR Dog squad member Mohan Magar
In fond Memories of our 2 seniors who have passed away during these 25 years:
Read all about this here: SAR DOGS NEPAL 25th anniversary on October 8. 2014, A Celebration of Service Dogs
Our first batch of Junior SAR Dog handlers